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segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015

Atividade de música - Am I wrong? Nico & Vinz | Parte 2

Para complementar a atividade anterior, clique aqui para ver. Principalmente para alunos do Fundamental Maior ou Médio. Falar sobre os cantores deixa a atividade mais interessante:

Leia o pequeno texto sobre a dupla Nico & Vinz e responda:

Nico & Vinz are an international music sensation who have already set the European entertainment scene on fire. Hailing from Oslo, Norway, the singing/songwriting duo, made up of Nico Sereba and Vincent Dery, has tapped into the heart of global culture by writing and performing songs that joyfully speak of life, love and identity. Though it’s hard to name their sound, consider it reminiscent of The Police and Paul Simon’s Graceland.
Although they both grew up in Oslo, they were immersed in African music at home and on visits to see family on the west coast of Africa. Their tastes, however, ran more towards hip-hop: Dery favored California rappers like 2Pac, while Sereba preferred New York MCs like Nas. When they were introduced by a mutual friend in 2009, they formed a rap duo called Envy, recording tracks while working as substitute teachers and making plans for global stardom.

a) Qual o país de origem da dupla?

b) Qual nome e sobrenome dos dois cantores?

c) Qual continente os inspira musicalmente?

d) Qual era o nome da dupla no começo da carreira?

- Site Oficial Nico & Vinz: Acesso em 17/11/2015


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